The second issue I had was with my activity tracker. I tried to log in to log the time I was going to spend on my Project #6. When I tried to log into the activity tracker it wouldn't access my document due to there being a password on my documents. I checked my setting on both the documents and my account setting and could NOT figure it out. This ended up taking me two hours to figure out how to delete the password. It turned out being something very simple of deleting the access that the site had to had to my documents and adding the site access again. This irritated me to no end and I ran out of patience. It also made me VERY grumpy.
So I finally get logged into my activity tracker and activities 3-15 didn't save in my activities list. So I decided to just create a new google doc for the tracker. I got them entered and somehow I didn't add the name of the pattern to #5. Then for some strange reason I moved the title of project #5 to #6 and so on...And I also forgot to put project #13 on the list. It took me about half an hour to fix that mistake. By this time I was VERY grumpy and it totally defeated my motivation. I finally decided that I would continue working on my blog. I spent probably 4 hours searching Google looking for information to add to the posts/pages and I found probably found maybe 3 things I could use. This totally frustrated me.
I ended up writing in my journal to get my frustrations out and to turn my attitude around. Thanks to Kristen and my journal I got out of my grumpy, pessimistic attitude. I eventually got motivated and worked on my blog some more. I got quite a bit of my daily goals for yesterday crossed off. Here is my list of things I accomplished yesterday.
- Started Project #6 "Here's Looking At You"
- Added my weekly goals for the rest of this week and for next week
- Added my monthly goals for February
- Added a post of my weekly goals for February
- Worked on my yearly goals for 2011 list
- Added a Things I Would Like to Try post.
- Completed my project wish list post.
- Created the general chit-chat page.
- Added the weekly cross stitching weekly quote.
Here is the list of things I did not accomplish today
- I did not start Project #7 due to the fast that I got 18 count Aida fabric in the color Oatmeal instead of 14 count.
- I did not go to JoAnn Fabrics to pick up supplies for my 2011 Want To-Do List
- The inspirations post
- The therapy post
- My Why I Stitch post
- When I started cross-stitching post.
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